Reward On Prabhupada’s Poisoners

The Truth Committee hereby offers a reward of $50,000 in cold hard cash- for information, testimonies, or documents that leads to the first felony conviction in a court of law related to Srila Prabhupada’s death, including conspiracy to murder. Informants and information will be kept strictly confidential except to share with law enforcement agencies, who also will maintain confidentiality.

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8 Responses

  1. Antonio says:

    Thanks for your documentary .as a prabhupada disciple I fell grateful that you uncover the truth

  2. Antonio says:

    I know that by the grace of our most dearsrila prabhupada a eternal pure devotee of losdkrishna all the offenders and suspects unto his premature death in1977 some of them they dyed by violent car accident and the rest of suspects need to be deal Smith as one low class serious assassin and be put in hell as soon as possible the laws of karma are very strict specially when imprisonment of a gross criminal of our gurudeva is the case.

  3. Antonio says:

    As a disciple of srilaprabhupada I wish your truth committee puttojustice anyone involved in srilaAc bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada premature dissapearence from this envious material world and also like to state that even if no federal court law remove the offenders from their position Krishna wi

  4. Antonio says:

    People that posed as friends of srila prabhupada but where only interested in fame,money and position will stay in patalaloka life after life even if no actual court of law imprison them due to kaliyuga Caotic age of quarrel and like all the people that tortured jesuscrist they also suffered a direct reaction in hellish cond

  5. Antonio says:

    After your evidence into prabhupada,s death ,I find that the other 2 criminals that are still free today must be put in prison as gross assassins or criminals.Lord krisna will take them out of their positions and respective polluted material bodies in no time .Because the laws of karma are very strict any of this criminal will rape punishment for this serious never buy or visit neocon until echolocation of impostors take place is a good resolution for those who respected him as supreme guru.

  6. Antonio says:

    To never buy anything or visit any iskcon center is a good resolution for any wellwisher and serious prabhupada friend.

  7. Antonio says:

    Anyone that respect fully the exalted position of prabhupada, must avoid buying or visiting iskcon at least until the other 3 suspects still today controlling iskcon get behind bars!

  8. Antonio says:

    Judgement day is now ,is the end for his assasins!

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